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We have two different pathways to belong. The first pathway is Redemption Point DNA, which consists of three Sunday morning classes. Class 101 is Redemption Point's DNA. It tells you all about our church history, what we believe, and Pastor Steve and Jessica's vision for our church. Class 201 is about our doctrine and class 301 gives you the opportunity to discover your spiritual gifts and finding your place in serving the church community. Once you've completed all three classes you are able to take partnership with us and serve in our ministries here! Redemption Point DNA is a four part class once a quarter. to stay up to date on when the next class is, call the church or join our Facebook page.
The next pathway is our Next Steps class. Next Steps is a 3 part 9-week discipleship course that is broken up into three different classes. Course 1 is "From Decision To Disciple" and goes over salvation, baptisms, how to pray, who Jesus is and so much more! Next Steps is regularly offered, stay up to date on our Facebook page and check out our lobby to see when the next class is starting!